The days are longer, the snow has melted (hopefully for good), and you're eager to spend more time outdoors. The sun starts beaming through the windows and then you notice it: the windows are filthy, the screens have holes, the dust is floating around...etc., etc. It's time to give that lovely home of yours some TLC!
The toughest part is getting started. It's great to have a checklist so you can track what needs to be done and what you have accomplished (see below for a great printout made by yours truly) and chip away at it bit by bit.

To keep yourself on track, it's great to have a couple of boxes/bins available such as a "donations" bin, a "repair" bin, and a "put away" bin. This keeps you focused on what you are working on but allows you to come back to those items afterwards.
Clearing your front entryway is incredibly satisfying. Wash those mittens, gloves, and winter gear and organize it so that it's ready for next winter. You'll feel much better not seeing those items every single time you walk in the door.
Print the Checklist and put it on your fridge! This reminds you of your plans, set aside time, and revel in your accomplishments!